Thursday, February 4, 2010


she called me a princess.
damn straight.
thats what she called me.
her first impression of me- me, wearing my louboutins (NOT-they're just red-soled) and she tells me she's worried she might have to work with a princess.
Well, i'll be damned.
Bring on the fashion gods, the labels and all its gory.
since when did women became labelled 'princesses' because we're in HIGH heels?
are we that un-conformed to the reality of the 21st century women??
you know- the whole 'be tough and strong BUT still being able to retain a hint of feminism?
isn't that what HIGH heels bring to the board?

she thinks i'm ghetto'.

i resign to the subjection of being judge.
first impressions count.
from the words of one of me wiser mates-

'booya mutherfuckas'

my most 'princess-y' self.
red lipstick and all.
least i tried with the red.

1 comment:

Vera said...

You look beautiful, that lipstick is perfect for your complexion. I can't for the life of me pull off red lips.. I know it's a questions of finding the right shade. And then I too can join the princess army :o).