Tuesday, February 1, 2011

i run.

i want to run
as far as i can dream of going
i'm empty
and hollow
though they're the same
they're really not

whats left of me
this place i've been in
cackles and smoulders
like hell's just blown over

rooted in heat
the heart burns with desires
completely faithless
utterly listless
the cycle continues
the dwellings of mistrust

complete utter misery.
the devil has won.

one day
i will run
up to my heart's content
i will run.
run out of this body
run out of this soul
and free
i will claim back whats good
little by little
claim back whats left
the little good i have inside

no needs for a body
nor a dying spirit
just the little heart thats left
the little piece of good

one day
i'll be fine
one day
i will stop running 
and there will be no more need to run.
but until then,
i will run.

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